Juniper Disco
If you are deeply curious and have a lot of eclectic interests, don’t like to be the center of attention but always have the coolest stuff, choose neon lime over millennial puke pink, know all the words to every New Order song, read Dostoyevsky AND comic books, are a nerd of any variety (Star Wars nerd, bird nerd, mushroom nerd, 80s freestyle nerd, bookworm nerd, whatever), and/or are that quirky queen amongst all the glamour-pusses, Juniper Disco is for you.
I write about:
getting through the anxieties of our times with glittery things and a robust pursuit of our weirdness
being a local on Cape Cod and what it means to love where you live
how routines and rituals can save us
how grief (specifically COVID grief) impacts my life
I live at the edge of America in the tiny coastal town of Provincetown, Massachusetts on Cape Cod, where climate change is literally lapping at our feet. We celebrate life every day in this town with costumes, parades, and a lot of sequins. I write about all that, too.
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