Well then. Seems the world is in a massive reset mode.
I recently stepped across the line from Overly Preparing to Lightly Hoarding. I’m wearing shirts covered in bleach spots, an unintentional result of my enthusiastic and slightly manic spritzing about the house. And I’m soothing my anxiety by eating all our quarantine food, reading books in the boarding school murders genre, and making lists of things to clean. How are you adjusting?
A positive thought I am CLINGING to: change always brings opportunity. Things will be lost and we’ll need to grieve those, but something is bound to be better. It has to be. I’m focusing on that.
While we are waiting for the world to reboot, I’m doing something new. In addition to my regular bi-weekly editions of this newsletter, I’m launching The Mini — a shorter edition with fun, interesting, obsessively distracting, and hopeful things I’ve discovered that might help all of us through the next few months. Here we go:
Quarantine Book Club. “Talk to authors without touching anyone.”
Sleepathome Camp. Daily activities to keep you entertained, like learning the dance to this:
A magical little nook on the interwebs. If you want to escape it all, explore Amy Won’s enchanting site. So much to explore!
Stuff to watch: Fantastic Fungi. Starting March 26, you can rent this film online! I’ve been obsessed since I saw the trailer. // Curated Shorts from Tribeca Film Festival Alumni. Every day at 11:00 am they are posting a short film from their past festivals (and some premieres, too!) // Woods Hole Film Festival. Links to films from their festival that you can stream online. Most of them are free, the rest are on Netflix or Amazon.
The Sherry Pie scandal! The wait, WHAT!!??!! tale of the now-disqualified Drag Race contestant from this current season.
The Delphi Murders. Remember the two young girls who filmed their probable killer on their iPhone? I’ve been listening to the podcast, Down The Hill, which is what he’s captured saying to them in that iPhone video. Nicole Cliffe did a full rundown in a recent edition of her newsletter. It’s a Rabbit. Hole.
All the Eurovision 2020 songs because this year’s contest is probably not gonna happen. (Sob! Sob!)
Matthew Yokobosky’s Studio 54 Playlist. If you're thinkin' you're too cool to boogie, boy oh boy, have I got news for you.
Amabie. “A Japanese legend dating back to the 1800s has been resurfacing across social media recently because of its tie to staving off epidemics … In the case of an epidemic, the legend states that people are supposed to draw the Amabie and share it with everyone who is ill.”
The Forest Feast Mediterranean. Vegetarian recipes inspired by the Mediterranean. Gorgeous illustrations!
Bob the Flamingo. “Bob is a Caribbean flamingo, from the island of Curaçao. His life took a dramatic turn when he flew into a hotel window, leaving him severely concussed.”
Help out a travel blogger by just clicking on these terrific travel adventure stories (they get paid by the click!) Takes a few minutes and you can do some armchair traveling at the same time.
Helen Rosen’s curated collection of links to restaurant and bar merch you can buy to help out the food industry: Part 1 and Part 2:
Stay safe, everyone! Wash your hands and don’t touch people!
(And if you think someone you know might enjoy this right now, please forward this on to them!)